For Christine there was an instant connection between the magazine's design aesthetic and the work of van der Merwe.After being discovered on Instagram, Schalk was approached by Volition founder and Editor Christine Lunday for a future and the cover her high end fashion/art magazine.
VOLITION Magazine was born in 2016 and is "A conglomerate of high fashion and art with a bit of weird. I find abnormalities and unique features to be stunning. I detest "normal. Be it freckles, stretch marks, body modification, unconventional features, plus size, older models, androgynous/transgender, bald, men in makeup/drag or anyone that is different is welcome to submit and show us what our magazine means to you. Full creative freedom," the founder and creator describes.
For van der Merwe opportunities & collaborations like these are invaluable. "The constant evolving creative landscape demands that any artist today embrace the multitude of digital options available. As an artist you can sit and wait to be discovered. This is one way, but not necessarily the best way to get your work in front of new audiences," says Schalk.
Violition - Issue 16 is now available online: